Wednesday, April 16, 2014

BooBear's new 'do

He's so proud of his mohawk! I see many mornings filled with hair gel ahead of me!
Why do they always look so old after a haircut?!?!?  And, those big brown eyes get me every time!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

And baby makes 6

Baby #4 will join our family in November. The boys are so excited and love telling everyone!  

The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. (Psalm 126:3 NIV)

Winter break

We finally did it!  We took the boys skiing for the first time. BugBoy and Curly did 2 days of ski school then went up with us the third day. BooBear did 3 days of school. They all did amazing!


The first 2 days were awesome being with the hubs all day with no kids. It was just what we needed!
One little BooBear was sooooo tired after all the fun!  He fell asleep at 5 this last day. 
The last day we went tubing. That was a blast! So glad we tried it!  

The boys are all excited to go again!  I can't wait to take them!