We came up with the brilliant idea to take a road trip. To Chicago. With 3 very active, energetic little boys!
Ha!! It actually went really well. We bought a luggage box for the top of the car, loaded up and headed out bright and early!!!
We had our moments, but 17 hours after leaving home, we arrived in Chicago.
We went to the playground with cousins and Auntie Kim.
Played outside in the gorgeous weather!!!
Found the only snow pile around and kicked the snow around!
These two cousins??? Don't let those sweet smiles fool you. They are TOTALLY up to something!
Two babysitters = adult dinner out. We had yummy burgers and then went to "Hot chocolate" for dessert. Unfortunately, our age is showing! The waiter brought us a flashlight to see the menu with. We are totally not as cool and young as we like to think we are! :)
Sweet snuggles between brothers in bed.
I had some quality time with each of the boys. Love the hugs that BooBear is giving me!
We had more laughs (and baths) than I thought possible in a week!!!
We had a blast at the zoo!
And the two oldest found a new favorite place at Leg0Land! They even used their own money they had saved for months to buy some new Leg0 sets!
More playground time was needed to wear out this crew!
We took a stroll down by the lake and tried to get a few cute family pictures.
The drive home was a bit quieter than the drive there. It was still long, but our hearts were full of fun memories and stories to tell.
Tomorrow, I will tell one of those stories about the littlest member of the fam!
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