So many friends have been posting on their blogs or faceb00k pages all week things that they are thankful for. I don't even know where to start. I feel so blessed in so many ways this past year.
We have 3 amazing boys. They are healthy. They are happy. They make me feel old and they keep me young, all at the same time.
I have an amazing husband that encourages me, helps me, cleans :), never complains about cleaning, is an amazing dad, manages our finances wonderfully, keeps God first in his life and our marriage.
We have a great home. It is not perfect, but it is ours. There are things I would love to change, but it is comfortable and we love being in it.
I am thankful for amazing friends that are more family than just friends. They know the real us and choose to love us anyway.
I am thankful for new friends this year. I am thankful for a few wonderful vacations we had this year. I am thankful that our babies are another year older.
I am thankful that BigBoy has found his love of drawing, art and leg0s.
I am thankful that Curly keeps us laughing, keeps me on my toes and reminds me daily that he is an individual, he is not his older brother and deserves to be treated as his own person.
I am thankful of our accident named BooBear who rounds out our family of 5. I am thankful for his sweet smile, his occasional demand for attention and his love love love for his big brothers.
I am thankful for the ways that God is pulling my heart. I am thankful that he gently leads me, occasionally thumps me on the head and loves me greatly no matter how many ways I mess up or disappoint Him.
I am thankful.
I am blessed.
What a wonderful, sweet post. :) Love it!!