Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Project Life - Week 34

It's that time.... today is my weekly update for Project Life.

Sunday, August 22 - Love the smile.  Love the 4 teeth.  Love the big eyes.  Love the long eyelashes.  LOVE the baby!

Monday, August 23 - BigBoy's first day of Kindergarten.  I haves so many thoughts and feelings about it.  He was just 100% excited!

Tuesday, August 24 - Curly and BooBear enteratin each other while BigBoy is at school. I love the look that BooBear is giving Curly. I have the same pic of BigBoy and Curly from about 2 years ago. Seems like yesterday!

Wednesday, August 25 - Curly had meet-the-teacher at his preschool.  He was so proud of the tower he made with the blocks.  I think he is going to have a great year!

Pic 2 of Curly and his teacher Mrs. R.  BigBoy had her 2 years ago and I think she is going to be great for Curly.

Thursday, August 26 - Curly's first day of preschool!  My literal child -- I told him to stand by the door so I could take his picture before going in his class.  He stood facing the door.  I finally got him to look over his shoulder at me! :)

Friday, August 27 - BooBear has had a rough week.  Nap and lunch schedules are all off as we have to go pick up big brothers.  He rarely naps in the car, but this week wore him out.  (And, it makes me laugh his feet are crossed!)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Be still my Heart!

I took this photo the other day....
Curly and BooBear - August 24th, 2010

My heart could only see this picture...
Curly and BigBoy December 9, 2008

I love love love love love how each of the little brothers is looking at their big brother and smiling in such a sweet, adoring sort of way. 
Makes this Momma's heart swoon!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Project Life - Week 33

Monday, August 16- Evidence that school starts very soon!  School supplies - from now on, I WILL buy the prepackaged sets!

Tuesday, August 17 - A sad reminder that summer is coming to a close!  This has been the view of our fence most of the summer.

Wednesday, August 18 - Those eyes - they get me every time.

Thursday, August 19 - Happy 43rd Anniversary, Nana and Papa!!!!

Friday, August 20 - Best way to get a picture of 3 boys, put on a movie.  They won't be looking at the camera, but at least they are not blurry :)

Saturday, August 21 - No pic.  Oops!

Monday, August 23, 2010

BigBoy - First Day of School

Our morning - in pictures!
I got up early, had a shower and got ready for the day!  (That will totally NOT happen again, I am sure!)
BooBear woke up, so I fed him and put him back to bed.
Woke up BigBoy and he had breakfast.

Then, he got dressed and wore a belt for the first time!  He was not sure about the belt, but was ok when he saw Daddy had one on too!  Pics with Mom and Dad :)  Here, he was telling me he was holding his heart because he loves me so much. Yeah, apparently he thinks it is funny to make Mommy cry!

We had a few minutes, so we went into the back yard to get a few pics.  Curly and "Fred" (the monster on his shirt) wanted in a few pics too.

I drove him to school and parked down the street so I could walk him in.

Outside his classroom - Ms. William's class

His table - 6 boys.  Either the teacher is AWESOME or crazy!  Time will tell!

Finally, it was time for the parents to say goodbye (read: the teacher kicked us and our cameras out!).  Mason gave me a quick hug and kiss and went back to playing with his play-doh.  I am so glad that he was ready and excited for his first day of Kinder. 

I held it together and went to the front steps for "Boo-Hoos and YaHoos" (aka coffee and donuts for the parents).  Once I got to my car, I let myself shed a few tears before heading home and to the two little boys.

I think we all feel a little lost without BigBoy around to guide us.  Curly told me a few minutes ago that he misses BigBoy.  Me too, Curly.  Me too!!!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Worst Blogger Ever

OK, so I suck at blogging lately.
You should see my pile of laundry, dirty toilets and the inside of my car.
Yeah, not posting pics of those.  Way too embarrasing.  Yes, more embarrasing than the inside of my fridge.

School starts Monday for BigBoy.  Hoping that frees up at least a few minutes to write, think, shower?  Yeah, that might be asking a bit much.  Thursday though... oh swqeet Thursday.  Curly starts preschool.  Hallelujah!!!  No tears on that one.  (Sorry Curly.  Love you but you are a bit much to handle 24-7 lately!)  So, Tuesdays and Thursdays are mommy and BooBear days.  I can hardly wait!!!

OK, just realized BooBear is digging though the left-overs of Chick-fil-a trash from lunch and is chewing on something.  Sweet - it is a 3 hour old waffle fry.  (This is why I am SOOOOOO behind on blogging, laundry, cleaning.... everything!!!)   Must run now!!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

True Confessions

1.  I cannot sew a stitch.  My mom is an AMAZING seamstress. (Mom, please skip to #2.  This one might make you embarrassed of me!)  I have not even touched a sewing machine.  I even worked at a fabric store while in high school.  Tuesday night, I took a sewing 101 class at a local fabric store.  I made a pillow case.  It is not perfect (kept forgetting to put the foot down!), but I chose the fabrics for Curly (tractors, of course).  He LOVED it.

2.  Curly loves loves L-O-V-E-S to be naked.  It was funny for a while.  But it is starting to be a problem now that he can strip all his clothes off at will.  At the park.  At a play date (sorry, Monica!).  I am a little afraid he will do it at preschool.  You know, the very sweet, Christian preschool he is starting in a few weeks.  Yeah, I am preparing myself for quite a few phone calls from the school this year.

3.  In BooBear's closet (his room has been the nursery all 5 1/2 years we have had kids), there are several outfits that I just don't know what to do with.  Specifically, they are girl outfits.  I had received a few and bought a few with each pregnancy.  I assume that we are finished having kids, unless God has another surprise planned for us.  But the outfits still sit there.  I have given away a few.  But there are a few that I just can't.  Like the girl outfit I bought and took to the hospital for Curly.  I can't get rid of them, but I just don't know what to do with them.  So they hang on the top rack of my son's closet.  Weird, I know.

4.  I need a nap.  2/3 of the boys are napping.  I'm off to nap too! :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Project life - weeks 29 and 30

I know I am behind on posting my Project Life photos.  I am taking them and keeping my files up to date though.  That is most important to me.
Here goes, 2 weeks (again) to catch-up!

Sunday, July 18 - Sweet BooBear is growing up so fast!  He loves Cheeri0s and he loves to feed himself!

Monday, July 19 - Curly needs his morning cup of joe juice to get the day going.

Tuesday, July 20 - BigBoy and Curly still love their jeep!  They are so funny riding down the street together.

Wednesday, July 21 - For the first time ever, I bought not 2 but 3 kids meals. BigBoy eats his plus half of BooBear's nuggets, so everyone is happy!

Thursday, July 22 - Sunday, July 25 - My friend Keely and I decided to take our 5!! children to her parent's house while they are away.  (The hubbies came down the next day.)  They are near the Gulf (no oil) and the kids had an awesome time playing at their house and in the ocean!

Sunday, July 25 - BooBear has discovered a love of the shower :)  Not including photo of baby in shower.... he'll thank me later :)

Monday, July 26 - Curly started swim lessons with Ms. Arie1.  No, the irony is not lost on me :)

Tuesday, July 27 - BigBoy also started Leg0 camp this week.  He loves it!  He is in 2 classes and in the second one, they connect the things they build to the computer and program them to move.  He's 5!  Amazing!

This is the car he built.  And added guns to the side (yes, the really long black things on each side are guns.) .  Apparently, you can keep the guns out of the house but you can't keep the hunter mentality out of the boy. Sigh.

Wednesday, July 28-  BooBear has had a rough week driving the 2 big boys to their camp and swim! (But aren't his shoes SO cute???)

Thursday, July 29 -  BigBoy and Curly may fight, but they sure do love each other!

Friday, July 30 - 5 minutes.  That is all it took to make this mess.  5 minutes.

Saturday, July 31 - BooBear and Cousin M.  So happy together! :)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Summer craziness

I never understood when other blogs I read regularly would either take a break for summer or go for weeks at a time without an update.  I mean really, how hard is it to type a few words about the day or your kids?

Yeah, I am figuring it out.  Three kids keep me running in more than 3 directions at a time.  How does that happen?

For example, last week, BigBoy had swim team practice (for the last time until after school starts, thank goodness!!!) on Tuesday and Thursday from 8-8:45.  Then, he had leg0 camp from 9-12 Monday through Friday.  So, we had to hustle to get him changed, check the other 2 out of childcare, rush everyone in the car, 30 minute drive up the tollway to get to camp, all 3 out of the car, walk 10 feet inside the building to his class (can't leave them in the car, of course), 2 back out to the car, 30 minute drive home (usually with BooBear screaming the whole way because he is tired), home for babe's nap, 2 back in the car for 30 minute drive, 2 out of the car, into the building 5 feet to his 2nd classroom to pick him up, see the day's project, pics/video (when I actually remember the camera), 3 kids through the parking lot, back in the car, 30 minutes home (again with BooBear screaming because he is hungry), lunch, naps for the 2 littles, snacks, swimsuit for Curly, 3 into the car, to the gym (again), 2 to childcare, Curly to swim (if it has not been canceled after we get there due to thunder/lightening), get BigBoy and let him swim for a little while, into dry clothes, pick up BooBear from childcare, 3 kids through parking lot and into carseats, home, dinner, showers, B-E-D.......

I know it sounds ridiculous to complain about spending time at the pool but come on... the effort it takes to get all the boys there, in suits, with sunscreen (assuming I remember to bring it!) and goggles, swim a while, get them changed back to dry clothes and get home.... well, it makes me really tired just thinking about it.

But, I don't think I would have it any other way.  It wears us all 4 out and ensures easier bedtimes for the boys and me!  Ha!!

BigBoy starts Kinder in 3 weeks.  I will miss him (and so will Curly) when he is gone all day.  But, I am really looking forward to quieter, calmer days soon!!!!

Oh, and fall.  When I heard someone on the news this afternoon say that the temp had dropped to 103 degrees.... there is something SO wrong about that statement!

Here's to another busy week!!!