Thursday, August 5, 2010

True Confessions

1.  I cannot sew a stitch.  My mom is an AMAZING seamstress. (Mom, please skip to #2.  This one might make you embarrassed of me!)  I have not even touched a sewing machine.  I even worked at a fabric store while in high school.  Tuesday night, I took a sewing 101 class at a local fabric store.  I made a pillow case.  It is not perfect (kept forgetting to put the foot down!), but I chose the fabrics for Curly (tractors, of course).  He LOVED it.

2.  Curly loves loves L-O-V-E-S to be naked.  It was funny for a while.  But it is starting to be a problem now that he can strip all his clothes off at will.  At the park.  At a play date (sorry, Monica!).  I am a little afraid he will do it at preschool.  You know, the very sweet, Christian preschool he is starting in a few weeks.  Yeah, I am preparing myself for quite a few phone calls from the school this year.

3.  In BooBear's closet (his room has been the nursery all 5 1/2 years we have had kids), there are several outfits that I just don't know what to do with.  Specifically, they are girl outfits.  I had received a few and bought a few with each pregnancy.  I assume that we are finished having kids, unless God has another surprise planned for us.  But the outfits still sit there.  I have given away a few.  But there are a few that I just can't.  Like the girl outfit I bought and took to the hospital for Curly.  I can't get rid of them, but I just don't know what to do with them.  So they hang on the top rack of my son's closet.  Weird, I know.

4.  I need a nap.  2/3 of the boys are napping.  I'm off to nap too! :)

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